09.May 2014
Our new company branch Outdoor Leadership Training Center (OLTC) goes to Bosnia on Sunday with 8 leaders from the construction company Christiansen & Essenbaek A/S.
The program focus on building a bridge between management skills and the personal leadership - by applying intensive training based on more than 20 years solid experiences and proven excellent track record.
The training wil help the participants to enhance their ability to execute tough decisions under extreme pressure and difficult circumstances.
OLTC applies training methods used in special forces and pathfinder-techniques as well as managerial business know-how in real life to create and deliver maximum organizational lift. The practical training focuses on the three H: Head, Hand & Heart. Watch 1 min. web-video.
The leader team will experience the unique and challenging training environment using canyoning, rapelling, white water rafting, climbing and hiking at the 4 day training module.